At some point of time, you've surely been directed by someone angrily to go 'get a life'. This blog will tell you nothing relevant to getting a life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Find what you love

-read these words in a recent speech given by Steve Jobs. Having always sought to find what I love, I can personally testify how fruitless and frustrating this search could possibly be to some of us. Not even Google has helped.
With me, at times it's been a case of 'love what you find'. I think that suits me (and other lazy, safe-keeping 20 somethings). But that doesn't change the fact that this must be my greatest fear. Fear of not finding what you love; of meandering through life rather meaninglessly.

Fear. Sometimes fear stops you from finding what you love. Fear of failure; of commitment; and of pain. I'm not alone and that's comforting, in thought atleast. Fear stems from pre-judiced notions of life. Fear builds from past experiences. There's many of us going through life with a fear of living. On few occasions, I can claim to have truly lived. Been happy. Happiest. But I fear never being that happy again. How crippling?


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