At some point of time, you've surely been directed by someone angrily to go 'get a life'. This blog will tell you nothing relevant to getting a life.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Marina's moral

At home in Chennai.
I feel at home in Chennai and the standout landmark in Chennai is the Marina beach. The beach brings together many different people. Couples sit facing the Indian Ocean enjoying the splendid dusk setting and the soothing, mischievous breeze. Dads bring their sons along to play cricket. You see friends walking near the waves after a long day working indoors, catching up on old times. You can spot old men and women power-walking or just ambling along the pavement, talking politics in wise tones.
I've had some wonderful memories of this place. My earliest is of coming here for big picnic-style dinners. My dad's friends and their children would meet at the Marina (near the Gandhi statue, someone would decide). We'd all drive there, set out bedsheets, and whilst the adults chatted, kids ran around occasionally building sandcastles and always building appetites. And the food was always excellent..
Then there were the days, when I'd come to the beach with some boys my age. The odd game of fulltoss cricket and the swim in the ocean afterwards.
Following this, was when we'd come with friends - boys and girls. These were all innocent and purely fraternising opportunities that are (were?) hard to come by in our society. This often resulted in going for walks by the wet area, where the waves crash on the beach. Sometimes, we would bring some beers down. We'd sip on the beers facing the ocean (always!) and indulge in funny(always!) banter.
Then, there were times I went to the beach with a significant other and spent quality times together. The beach provided a privacy that was public (hard to imagine? Think of an island surrounded by chaotic oceans.)
Today I went to the beach by myself.. for the first time. I was confused and searching for answers. But I realised I wasn't sure of the questions. (Ah it's getting should)
The moral of the Marina was that it can not always provide the solace you are looking for although it's one hell of a place to chill out while still looking..