At some point of time, you've surely been directed by someone angrily to go 'get a life'. This blog will tell you nothing relevant to getting a life.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Personal phobias #1 - Fear of failure

Degree of success is what my life is measured by. It is similar to life's 'report card'. One gets judged, marked, assessed and 'worthed' based on achievements. I see an increasing number of child proteges in academia, sport and creative arts. So that must make the 'fear of failure' the most important and deep-seated emotional phobia.
This fear could have stemmed from many sources. High-success-demanding parents/ competitive-society while growing up. Humiliating experiences suffered from a past failure.
The results of this kind of fear is mainly a total paralysis of the body and mind. The nervous system, courtesy the ever-paranoid brain, neatly archives a database of failed experiences and associated humiliation which it can bring back to the forefront of the human mind when in a decision-making or outcome-analysing mode. Most 'mortal fearers' often look at the worthlessness of the impending failure and accompanying embarassment and opt to keep safe. This avoidance of chance-taking, they rationalise, will reduce their chances of potentially slipping into an abyss of failure and being buried by further failures!


Blogger Prahalathan said...

I see lot of kids like these...
Parents are the main cause I guess....
They beat up the children and finally bring the kids to the hospital for a consultation with the psychiatrist....

Abt the comments u left on
Go check it out...

2:03 PM


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