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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Barely Cognizant

Mr.Lakshmi Narayanan, President and CEO of Cognizant, a Technology/ Business Software & Services company based in Teaneck (NJ), has called 'reservation in the private sector' a 'retrograde step' in an interview to Rediff.
Mr.Narayanan, much like very many 'Corporate giants', concentrate solely on maximising personal profits under the guise of 'creating challenges for the best minds' and 'innovation'. In reality, Mr.Narayanan's claims that 'Cognizant has come to India beacuse 'the best minds are in India' defies the basic maxim of a company like Cognizant - Profit Margins. He lets his veiled motives slip out in another interview when he talks about 'having to pay an American Ivy League Almuni much more than their Indian counterparts'.
By far, the most bemusing and poorly conceived argument he makes in the first interview is that 'reservation (in private companies) does not reward meritocracy'. Here his subliminal bias cannot be supressed under some noble notion anymore. Mr.Narayanan, also claims that 'reservation in the private sector has never been attempted anywhere'. Ofcourse, based in New Jersey, he would be oblivious to Affirmative Action and benefits to India if a similar strategy was adopted.


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