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Friday, November 04, 2005

Rural E-literacy

I've been intrigued by this concept that has been the one of the cornerstones of Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam's 'India 2020- A developed nation' plan. I also read on the internet, about some fine work done in development of villages into 'Information Centres' by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation. Reading verbatims of Presidential addresses and listening to MS Swaminathan at his recent lecture in Canberra, I somehow was not totally convinced how beneficial these development schemes were going to be. How relevant will it be for a daily wage labourer or farmer to familiarize himself with computers, I naively wondered.
But, today I see how increasingly dependant people are on E-bay and other internet based shops. E-commerce is a recognized degree in many universities.
So I reconsider my previous thoughts. I can see the merits in cutting out the money-minded middle man in the process. Thus making the farmer or weaver in the rural region the beneficiary of profits.
Some of the possible drawbacks of the implementation of such a scheme, other than mind-boggling logistical issues, would be how that may affect local markets. I read a fine post which defined GDP as such:
GDP = export - import + investment
Going by this an increase in export would definitely help with the GDP.


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