At some point of time, you've surely been directed by someone angrily to go 'get a life'. This blog will tell you nothing relevant to getting a life.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Biocosmology = Reading God's mind

Charley Lineweaver's talk on biocosmology started with asking the audience if physics has anything to do with 'life'. Biology is often referred to as the 'life science'. Establishing the link between astrophysics or to be specific - cosmology and life is not easy. The real and complete theory of evolution must start right from the beginning. Beginning is known as 'Big Bang' in astrophysics. To understand 'life' one needs to appreciate what type of life is being talked about. Settling on a common theme for life, Charley presented a 'recipe for life':
Recipe ::
-presence of Hydrogen and Helium
-star formation
-possible star death/ explosion (supernova)
-accretion of debris (from star death) to form star and planets (note: debris must contain considerable quantities of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, though we started out with only Hydrogen and Helium)
-planet must lie in 'habitable zone' (water-sustainable, as our known life forms depend largely on water)
-now, we don't want star explosions nearby
-with time, we might need some meteorites with carbon/ metals (sulphur/ phosphorus) to strike planet
-planet to form core, mantle and crust
-gases from mantle/ core to evaporate and escape but not all
-some gases get held by planet's gravity and form atmosphere
-lightning in atmosphere sparks amino acid formation
-life as we know it
P.S: Never did say it would be easy..


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